The place is charred with years of accumulating smoke. The thickly crusted brisket easily passes the "doesn’t-need-sauce test” with flying colors! Closes when they run out of food, so get there early!
The short rib — near-molten meat contained by a crust of black pepper and still attached to an imposing bone — still sets the standard for Lone Star barbecue every single day. En savoir plus
Thrillist Top BBQ List: Some of the best brisket on the planet. Lesser-known fact is that it also has some of the best beef ribs in the world, which are like the ones Fred Flintstone eats
Mueller's is true Texas BBQ. The room is smokey, the brisket is moist, and the community is welcoming. A great spot for lunch out of city limits Get their early once the meat runs out they're closed.
Esquire: She picked up a beef rib that seemed to weigh more than her. Bit into the juicy meat &her eyes rolled back &emitted a squeak of unfiltered delight. Polished off whole rib &asked for another
The brisket is exceptional - crunchy bark, deep ring, succulent meat - and the dry sausage in a league of its own. Also, you must try the dipping sauce.
It don't get any better. Feel free to go south of Austin but I'm telling you Mueller's the best, hands down. Come for the brisket (order moist) but don't overlook the sausage. Along with some buddies
The best I've had so far. A perfect bark of pepper encrusts the meat. Not too salty. The beef ribs and brisket are unparalleled. Beef sausages were excellent. Even the peach cobbler was spot on.
Travelers Advisory... As we do tend to sell out of menu items, we recommend travelers call us in advance of their arrival at 512-352-6206 to reserve their favorite meat(s).
If you have limited time for lunch, call us at 512-352-6206 and place your order for pick-up. In most cases, your order will be ready for you in only :15 minutes.
BBQ the way the god's intended. Moist beef brisket, chopped beef samich peach cobbler to pick up after the meal and wash it all down with an RC Cola...HEAVEN!
Mueller's brisket is really flavorful. The smoke-tinged walls in this former school gym provide a peeled-paint backdrop for the gold standard of Texas barbecue. En savoir plus
Any local in Austin will tell you point-blank: If you want the absolute best BBQ, you need to go at least 30 minutes outside of town. This spot is worth the haul. Come hungry.