Prague Places
Pivovarský klub Benedict is one of Prague Places.

1. Pivovarský klub Benedict

Křižíkova 272/17, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Gastro-pub · Karlín · 146 conseils et avis
Sokolovna is one of Prague Places.

2. Sokolovna

Slezská 821/22 (Budečská), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Gastro-pub · Praha 2 · 100 conseils et avis
Potrefená husa is one of Prague Places.

3. Potrefená husa

Dlážděná 1003/7 (Hybernská), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Restaurant tchèque · Nové Město · 370 conseils et avis

4. Friends Coffee House

Palackého 7, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Café · Praha 1 · 152 conseils et avis

MashableMashable: Meet your Prague international tech and design friends over a great coffee while enjoying the fastest free Wi-Fi in town at Friends Coffee House. - Dave Ruzius

Café Louvre is one of Prague Places.

5. Café Louvre

Národní 1987/22, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Café · Praha 1 · 642 conseils et avis

Lada 🦕Lada 🦕: Great place for breakfast or brunch. Macrobiotic/vegan carrot cake is my favourite one! Also, try seasonal menu.

6. Prašná brána

nám. Republiky 5 (Celetná), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Site historique et protégé · Staré Město · 93 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Dating from 1475, the Powder Tower was built as one of 13 gates to the city. By the 17th century, it was being used as a gunpowder storage facility - it was at this time that it developed its name.

7. Obecní dům

nám. Republiky 1090/5, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Structure · Staré Město · 84 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Architects Osvald Polívka and Antonín Balšánek, who served as much as artistic coordinators as designers. Construction started in 1905 and it opened in 1912.

8. Pont Charles

(Karlův most)
Karlův most, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Pont · Malá Strana · 813 conseils et avis

Marina N.Marina Natanova: Just the most amazing view in Prague and one of the most charming bridges in the world

9. Střelecký ostrov

Střelecký ostrov (Most Legií), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Île · Malá Strana · 66 conseils et avis

Typena M.Typena Mehere: Great place for romantic evening

10. Vyšehrad

V Pevnosti, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Site historique et protégé · Praha 2 · 203 conseils et avis This beautiful and historic castle on a hill over the Vltava River is a must-see for all Prague visitors. This is home to the Vyšehrad Cemetery and the neo-Gothic Basilica of St Peter and St Paul.

11. Kavárna Slavia

Smetanovo nábř. 1012/2 (Národní), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Café · Staré Město · 458 conseils et avis

Yve N.Yve N.: Great window places, in the background plays the piano, delicious bohemian and a very fine fine feeling inside this old café. i live it :-)

12. Cathédrale Saint-Guy

(Katedrála sv. Víta)
III. nádvoří 48/2 (Vikářská), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Église · Hradčany · 273 conseils et avis This beautiful Roman Catholic cathedral within the Prague Castle is a must-see. Aside from the amazing rose window and towering spires, also don't miss the Crown Chamber and the Royal Crypt.

13. Château de Prague

(Pražský hrad)
Pražský hrad, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Château · Hradčany · 488 conseils et avis A visit to Prague won't be complete without making a stop to this castle, the largest in the world. Aside from looking at the amazing detail, don't miss the changing of the guard happening every hour.

4u in Prague Apartments is one of Prague Places.

14. 4u in Prague Apartments

Orebitská 6, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Pension de famille · Praha 3 · Ni conseil ni avis
Place de la Vieille-Ville is one of Prague Places.

15. Place de la Vieille-Ville

(Staroměstské náměstí)
Staroměstské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Place · 515 conseils et avis

16. Zrcadlové bludiště

Petřínské sady, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Art et divertissement · Malá Strana · 29 conseils et avis

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Was built as the Czech Tourist Club’s pavilion at the Prague Jubilee Exhibition in 1891. The labyrinth has 31 ordinary and 14 twisted mirrors, but originally there were only 35.

Zámek Troja is one of Prague Places.

17. Zámek Troja

U Trojského zámku 1/4, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Palais · Praha-Troja · 19 conseils et avis
Palladium is one of Prague Places.

18. Palladium

nám. Republiky 1078/1, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Centre commercial · Nové Město · 400 conseils et avis
Lokál Dlouhááá is one of Prague Places.

19. Lokál Dlouhááá

Dlouhá 731/33 (Rybná), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Pub · Staré Město · 794 conseils et avis
Malá Strana is one of Prague Places.

20. Malá Strana

Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Quartier · 38 conseils et avis
Vodní nádrž Hostivař is one of Prague Places.

21. Vodní nádrž Hostivař

K Jezeru, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Lac artificiel · Hostivař · 27 conseils et avis
Španělská synagoga is one of Prague Places.

22. Španělská synagoga

Vězeňská 141/1 (U Staré školy), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Synagogue · Staré Město · 35 conseils et avis

23. Starý židovský hřbitov | Old Jewish Cemetery

Široká 23/3, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Cimetière · Staré Město · 42 conseils et avis

Michael S.Michael Starsman: Kind of synonymous with Prague's tourism industry, I consider the Jewish Cemetery a must-see. It's quite expensive unless you have an open card, so I advise busting it out for a hefty discount.

Place Venceslas is one of Prague Places.

24. Place Venceslas

(Václavské náměstí)
Václavské nám., Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Place · Nové Město · 286 conseils et avis

25. Kostel Matky Boží před Týnem

Celetná 601/5a, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Église · Staré Město · 35 conseils et avis

Prague G.Prague Games: The Church of Mother of God before Týn is a dominant feature of the Old Town of Prague, and has been the main church of this part of the city since the 14th century.

Obrazárna Pražského hradu is one of Prague Places.

26. Obrazárna Pražského hradu

Pražský hrad, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Galerie d'art · Hradčany · 2 conseils et avis
Ancien Palais Royal is one of Prague Places.

27. Ancien Palais Royal

(Starý královský palác)
Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Palais · Hradčany · 29 conseils et avis
Galerie Klementinum is one of Prague Places.

28. Galerie Klementinum

Mariánské nám. 1090/5 (Platnéřská 1040/8), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Galerie d'art · Staré Město · 1 conseil
Révové nádvoří is one of Prague Places.

29. Révové nádvoří

Mariánské nám. 190/5 (Karlova 190/1), Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Zone piétonne · Staré Město · 1 conseil
Harddecore is one of Prague Places.

30. Harddecore

Senovážné nám. 10, Prague, Prague ville-capitale
Studio de conception · Nové Město · 6 conseils et avis