Amsterdam to-do

1. Belgisch Bierproeflokaal De Zotte

Raamstraat 29 (Raamplein), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Jordaan · 117 conseils et avis

Barend J.Barend J.: Try 130 different Belgium beers (not in one night ;-) ) Lots of beer on draft and when you start feeling hungry: food is available.

2. Bar Oldenhof

Elandsgracht 84, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar à cocktail · Jordaan · 61 conseils et avis

YukiYuki: "Secret" cocktailbar with a beautiful interior. Big plus: they serve shrimp croquettes all night!

3. Whisky Café L&B

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 82-84 (Leidesekruisstraat), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar à whisky · Kuip · 88 conseils et avis

Amsterdam MagazineAmsterdam Magazine: A nice cosy bruin bar setting with hundreds of different whisky varieties including Japanese whisky.

Piqniq is one of Amsterdam to-do.

4. Piqniq

Lindengracht 59, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Sandwicherie · Jordaan · 52 conseils et avis

Sara T.Sara Tonon: Wonderful place, sweet people and very very good food.

5. REM Eiland

Haparandadam 45-2, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant · Westelijk Havengebied · 48 conseils et avis

A C.A C: Off-shore oil rig converted into a restaurant. Food reminds me of Joey's but the location is unique. If you're going in the summer, Grab an early dinner & enjoy the view.

6. SLA

Ceintuurbaan 149, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant de salades · Oude Pijp · 46 conseils et avis

citizenMcitizenM: The age of the Big Mac has bitten the dust and nutritious nosh is back on the menu. SLA is nurturing these late-germinating seeds of conscientiousness in a beautiful green-fingered organic eatery. En savoir plus .

All the Luck in the World | Pijp is one of Amsterdam to-do.

7. All the Luck in the World | Pijp

Gerard Doustraat 86hs (Ferdinand Bolstraat), Amsterdam, N/A
Boutique de cadeaux · Oude Pijp · 5 conseils et avis

citizenMcitizenM: Think cute, but not only the cute name. Here, vintage finds meet cute designs, every piece tells a story of its own! En savoir plus .

Waar is one of Amsterdam to-do.

8. Waar

Bilderdijkstraat 57, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Boutique de cadeaux · Kuip · 3 conseils et avis

citizenMcitizenM: Genuine, honest goods in a cool, vibrant environment... Check out their little free library, their book and cook shelves, interior decor items, and of course the fun loving small gifts. En savoir plus .

9. Rakang Thai Restaurant

Elandsgracht 29-31, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant thaïlandais · Jordaan · 66 conseils et avis

citizenMcitizenM: Delightful cozy little Thai. The shrimp curry with Remy Martin cognac is a must-try. If the place is full, there is takeaway!

10. Museum Het Schip

Oostzaanstraat 45, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée · Spaarndammer en Zeeheldenbuurt · 11 conseils et avis

Shehnaz H.Shehnaz Hansraj: Fantastic example of Amsterdam Style. Make sure to get the guided tour.

11. Huis Marseille

Keizersgracht 401 (Leidsegracht), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'art · Grachtengordel-West · 40 conseils et avis

Alper Ç.Alper Çuğun: Very nice out of the way and small photo museum if you're not into the big haul foam but still want to see some stuff.

12. Museum Willet-Holthuysen

Herengracht 605 (Utrechtsestraat), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'histoire · Grachtengordel-Zuid · 19 conseils et avis

Jenny R.Jenny Rathbun: Beautiful canal house museum! I love the blue room and all of the animal paintings.

De Kaaskamer is one of Amsterdam to-do.

13. De Kaaskamer

Runstraat 7, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Fromagerie · Grachtengordel-West · 28 conseils et avis

@ambarsurastri@ambarsurastri: Welcome to the Mecca of cheese. My favorite is the matured goats cheese w/ rucola and sundried tomato sandwich. Just try! @ambarsurastri

14. Koninklijk Theater Carré

Amstel 115 -125, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Théâtre · Weesperbuurt en Plantage · 75 conseils et avis

Danijel D.Danijel Dercksen: wi-fi network: carre123456 wi-fi password: public - via

15. de Appel arts centre

Prins Hendrikkade 142, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'art · Kuip · 5 conseils et avis

Justin C.Justin Clark: A great contemporary art space - it's worth a visit.

Studio Bazar is one of Amsterdam to-do.

16. Studio Bazar

Reguliersdwarsstraat 62, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Magasin d'ameublement et de décoration intérieure · Grachtengordel-Zuid · 1 conseil

17. Warung Spang Makandra

Gerard Doustraat 39, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant indonésien · Oude Pijp · 61 conseils et avis

Eppo L.Eppo Luiken: Treat yourself to the gorgeous "Javaanse Rames" specialty dish. Add in a "bakabana" and your day is complete. En savoir plus .

Café Schiller is one of Amsterdam to-do.

18. Café Schiller

Rembrandtplein 24a, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Grachtengordel-Zuid · 25 conseils et avis
Soepboer & Stooker is one of Amsterdam to-do.

19. Soepboer & Stooker

Overtoom 9, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Magasin de vêtements · Helmersbuurt · Ni conseil ni avis

20. Abyssinia Afrikaans Eetcafe

Jan Pieter Heijestraat 190HS (Overtoom), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant éthiopien · Helmersbuurt · 27 conseils et avis

Maren S.Maren Siebert: Favourite african restaurant since forever. Love the desserts as well!

21. Blue Pepper

Nassaukade 366HS, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant asiatique · Helmersbuurt · 17 conseils et avis

KLEKLE: Fabulous food. Great service. Highly recommended for Indonesian fusion cuisine

Café Brecht is one of Amsterdam to-do.

22. Café Brecht

Weteringschans 157, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Centrum · 173 conseils et avis

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: It's all about the atmosphere at Brecht. Whether your poison is tea or German beer! En savoir plus .

Bakkerij Mediterrane is one of Amsterdam to-do.

23. Bakkerij Mediterrane

Haarlemmerdijk 184, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Boulangerie · Haarlemmerbuurt · 21 conseils et avis

24. Boca's

Westerstraat 30 (Prinsengracht), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bistro · Jordaan · 58 conseils et avis

Sophia F.Sophia Farrag: Loved boca's the whole concept of the little sandwiches is perfect as it means you get to try a few different things. Service was also good but it can be busy but hey that only adds to the atmosphere

25. Bioscoop het Ketelhuis

Pazzanistraat 4, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Cinéma indépendant · Spaarndammer en Zeeheldenbuurt · 41 conseils et avis

Amsterdam MagazineAmsterdam Magazine: A nice arthouse cinema tucked inside of westerpark. Many of the films are not in English so call about subtitles. Go there just for their beautiful attached cafe for cheap beers and coffee.

Boom Chicago is one of Amsterdam to-do.

26. Boom Chicago

Rozengracht 117, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Salle de spectacle · Jordaan · 48 conseils et avis

27. Oost

Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Quartier · 2 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "Less explored but up-and-coming suburbs include Oost, currently undergoing something of a foodie renaissance" - Time Out

28. Bimhuis

Piet Heinkade 3, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Salle de concert jazz et blues · Oostelijk Havengebied · 27 conseils et avis

Non-fictionNon-fiction: Our favourite music venue in the Netherlands is right next to Amsterdam Central Station. Its history consists of Evan Parker, Vladislav Delay, Flying Lotus, Colin Stetson, Ben Frost, and even Kode9.

29. Eduard Planting Gallery

Eerste Bloemdwarsstraat 2, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Galerie d'art · Jordaan · 1 conseil

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "Edouard Planting Art Photographs displays work chosen by the head curator of Festival Naarden, the oldest photography festival in the Netherlands"

30. Wink

Govert Flinckstraat 326hs (Van Woustraat), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant méditerranéen · Oude Pijp · 14 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "Does what Amsterdam does best, combine the small-scale and low-key with top quality... There’s something endearingly domestic about Wink but the food propels things to a different level altogether." En savoir plus .

31. Semhar

Marnixstraat 259HS, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant éthiopien · Jordaan · 18 conseils et avis

Ondřej D.Ondřej Drebota: Amazing eritrean food. You have to try it during your visit of Amsterdam! I am really, really recommending this place. Great experiance.

32. Haringhandel "De Gigant"

Westermarkt, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant de fruits de mer · Grachtengordel-West · 2 conseils et avis

𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚣𝚊𝚕𝚘 .𝙶𝚘𝚗𝚣𝚊𝚕𝚘 𝙰𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚜: Whole herring, raw, de-boned and sprinkled with onion --> grab it by the tail, dangle it over your mouth and eat it a chompful at a time.

33. Mantoe

Tweede Leliedwarsstraat 13, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant afghan · Jordaan · 12 conseils et avis

Georgia P.Georgia Popplewell: Exquisite gourmet take on classic Afghan cuisine - prix fixe menu changes every day. Not cheap, but worth every cent.

34. Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder

Oudezijds Voorburgwal 40, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée · Amsterdam Centrum · 32 conseils et avis

Charles C.Charles Cassar: A hidden gem! A fascinating story and very special place. Even though it's being renovated, it's still a fantastic experience. The audio guide is excellent!

35. Artis

Plantage Kerklaan 38-40, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Zoo · Weesperbuurt en Plantage · 185 conseils et avis

P M.P M: Relax, you're In a beautiful zoo. In the middle of crowded Amsterdam. Don't forget to send a old fashioned postcard back home

Hortus Botanicus Vrije Universiteit is one of Amsterdam to-do.

36. Hortus Botanicus Vrije Universiteit

Van de Boechorststraat 8 (Vrije Universiteit), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Jardin botanique · Stadsdeel Zuid · 6 conseils et avis
Civic Guards' Gallery | Schuttersgallerij is one of Amsterdam to-do.

37. Civic Guards' Gallery | Schuttersgallerij

Kalverstraat 92 (Begijnsloot), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'histoire · Kuip · Ni conseil ni avis

38. Radar

Eerste Rozendwarsstraat, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Sans catégorie · Jordaan · 1 conseil

Jaap d.Jaap den Dulk: Great #Laser314 exhibition untill May 30th - early and recent work

39. The Frozen Fountain

Prinsengracht 645, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Magasin d'ameublement et de décoration intérieure · Grachtengordel-West · 19 conseils et avis

Amsterdam MagazineAmsterdam Magazine: "A great interior design boutique with beautiful furniture and accessories." -Janwillem Sanderse, Owner of SWAH En savoir plus .

40. Amsterdamse Bos

Bosbaanweg 5, Amstelveen, Hollande-Septentrionale
Forêt · 87 conseils et avis

Priscilla C.Priscilla Camargo: The forest of AmsterdamOne of my favorite places. Many sport activities - horse riding- canoeing-etc. Really full of green spaces and many activities for children.

Tempo Doeloe is one of Amsterdam to-do.

41. Tempo Doeloe

Utrechtsestraat 75 (Keizersgracht), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant indonésien · Grachtengordel-Zuid · 30 conseils et avis

Adam F.Adam F: Some of the best Indonesian food I have ever tasted. Seriously. Just go for the table. There is nothing else to be said.

42. Wereldmuseum

Linnaeusstraat 2, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée · Oosterparkbuurt · 64 conseils et avis

NeilNeil: The Van Goh & Rijks get most of the attention when it comes to museums, but this is def worth the visit. It's never busy & most exhibits are interactive which adds to the experience.

43. Bakers & Roasters

Eerste Jacob van Campenstraat 54, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Lieu servant des petits déjeuners · Oude Pijp · 474 conseils et avis

Matt W.Matt Wahl: Outstanding brunch haunt run by the nicest folks (who happen to be New Zealanders). Navajo eggs + Salmon benedict was a major win.

44. Pure Markt Frankendael

Park Frankendael, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Marché fermier · Stadsdeel Oost · 15 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "One of Holland's most renowned markets; a source of exceptional, artisan, Dutch and international produce, food and creativity. A traveling Sunday market with its base in Amsterdam."

45. Pllek

Tt. Neveritaweg 62 (NDSM-werf), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Gastro-pub · Stadsdeel Noord · 226 conseils et avis

Francisco M.Francisco Morais: They have transformed an old container into a texan-style pub. Loved it! Will return definately!

46. Pyongyang Restaurant

Ouwerdingenpad 1, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant coréen · Osdorp-Midden · 1 conseil

Remco v.Remco van Daal: It's Pyongyang Restaurant with North Korean food

IJ-Hallen - Lasloods is one of Amsterdam to-do.

47. IJ-Hallen - Lasloods

T.T. Neveritaweg 1 (NDSM-Werf), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Structure · Stadsdeel Noord · 30 conseils et avis

Like A Local GuideLike A Local Guide: It's probably the biggest flea market in whole Europe, being held every first weekend of the month. You pay €4,50 to get in, but then.. A pair of shoes for €5, a blouse for €2 and a coat for €4. En savoir plus .

48. Dierencapel

Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Ferme · Haarlemmerbuurt · 3 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: Cute petting zoo / urban farm

Electric Ladyland - Museum of Fluorescent Art is one of Amsterdam to-do.

49. Electric Ladyland - Museum of Fluorescent Art

Tweede Leliedwarsstraat 5, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'art · Jordaan · 9 conseils et avis

50. Het Grote Avontuur

Haarlemmerstraat 25, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Boutique d'antiquités · Haarlemmerbuurt · 2 conseils et avis

Amsterdam MagazineAmsterdam Magazine: "Het Grote Avontuur is a beautiful interior design and style shop that sells stationary and paper goods with a feminine touch." En savoir plus .

51. Torch Gallery

Lauriergracht 94, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Galerie d'art · Jordaan · 2 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "If you like your art edgy you'll love Torch, which brings Richard Kern, Jake & Dinos Chapman, Micha Klein and Anton Corbijn to Amsterdam." - TimeOut

't Japanse Winkeltje is one of Amsterdam to-do.

52. 't Japanse Winkeltje

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 177, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Magasin d'arts plastiques · Kuip · 1 conseil
De Bijenkorf is one of Amsterdam to-do.

53. De Bijenkorf

Dam 1, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Grand magasin · Amsterdam Centrum · 323 conseils et avis

Exploring JuliaExploring Julia: Take a minute to admire the imperial building & wonderful window displays then pop inside and head to the top floor where you can eat,drink & be merry whilst enjoying wonderful views over Amsterdam!

54. Musée d'Amsterdam

(Amsterdam Museum)
Kalverstraat 92, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'histoire · Kuip · 89 conseils et avis

DaphneDaphne: Very well-designed museum. Makes the history of Amsterdam interesting and engaging, especially the newer DNA exhibit. The museum is massive so it takes hours to explore everything thoroughly.

Kantjil & de Tijger is one of Amsterdam to-do.

55. Kantjil & de Tijger

Spuistraat 291, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant indonésien · Kuip · 198 conseils et avis

56. Hoppe

Spui 18, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Kuip · 106 conseils et avis

Frank M.Frank Maguire: Great very old bar to try Genever. Not only cask-aged Genever but a lemon and a berry infused that are delicious. The bartender will help explain each one

57. De Pilsener Club

Begijnensteeg 4, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Kuip · 19 conseils et avis

58. Latei

Zeedijk 143, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Café · Amsterdam Centrum · 201 conseils et avis

Jasmyn C.Jasmyn Cheng: Great coffee and apple pie. Definitely going back!

De Kas is one of Amsterdam to-do.

59. De Kas

Kamerlingh Onneslaan 3, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant français · Stadsdeel Oost · 123 conseils et avis

Like A Local GuideLike A Local Guide: De Kas (the greenhouse) aims to serve every dish as fresh as possible. Every day a new menu is composed, depending on the available seasonal products. En savoir plus .

60. Geitenboerderij Ridammerhoeve

Nieuwe Meerlaan 4, Amstelveen, Hollande-Septentrionale
Ferme · 31 conseils et avis

Nico P.Nico Pitney: "Goat farm in Amsterdamse Bos – climb in and feed the goats. Lots of fun for all ages"

Jazz At The Lake is one of Amsterdam to-do.

61. Jazz At The Lake

Het Bosch - Waterfront (Jollenpad 10), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Lac · Stadsdeel Zuid · Ni conseil ni avis
Heineken Experience is one of Amsterdam to-do.

62. Heineken Experience

Stadhouderskade 78, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée · Oude Pijp · 753 conseils et avis

GowithOhGowithOh: One of the coolest museums to visit in Amsterdam... The Heineken Experience! With a free guided canal tour to boot!

Muziekgebouw is one of Amsterdam to-do.

63. Muziekgebouw

Piet Heinkade 1, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Salle de concert · Oostelijk Havengebied · 43 conseils et avis

FelipeFelipe: Amazing music venue with some of the best jazz or classical music concerts but one of its best secrets spots is the outside. Go on a sunny day and enjoy the amazing view.

Captein & Co is one of Amsterdam to-do.

64. Captein & Co

Binnen Bantammerstraat 27, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Bar · Kuip · 14 conseils et avis

65. Eetcafé Bern

Nieuwmarkt 9, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Restaurant suisse · Kuip · 40 conseils et avis

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Order the cheese fondue, the entrecote, salad and chocolate mousse as dessert En savoir plus .

Glowgolf Amsterdam is one of Amsterdam to-do.

66. Glowgolf Amsterdam

Prins Hendrikkade 194, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Terrain de golf · Kuip · 9 conseils et avis
Paradiso is one of Amsterdam to-do.

67. Paradiso

Weteringschans 6-8 (Leidseplein), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Salle de concert · Kuip · 244 conseils et avis
Nieuwe Meer is one of Amsterdam to-do.

68. Nieuwe Meer

Oeverlanden (Nieuwe Meer), Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Lac · Sloten en Riekerpolder · 5 conseils et avis
Het Scheepvaartmuseum is one of Amsterdam to-do.

69. Het Scheepvaartmuseum

Kattenburgerplein 1, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'histoire · Oostelijke Eilanden en Kadijken · 99 conseils et avis
Hermitage Amsterdam is one of Amsterdam to-do.

70. Hermitage Amsterdam

Amstel 51, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'art · Weesperbuurt en Plantage · 95 conseils et avis
Koninklijk Concertgebouw Orkest is one of Amsterdam to-do.

71. Koninklijk Concertgebouw Orkest

Jacob Obrechtstraat, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Art et divertissement · Museumkwartier · 3 conseils et avis
KattenKabinet is one of Amsterdam to-do.

72. KattenKabinet

Herengracht 497, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Musée d'art · Grachtengordel-Zuid · 24 conseils et avis
Jazz Café Alto is one of Amsterdam to-do.

73. Jazz Café Alto

Korte Leidsedwarsstraat 115, Amsterdam, Hollande-Septentrionale
Salle de concert jazz et blues · Kuip · 63 conseils et avis