Kartika Sari is one of Bandung.

1. Kartika Sari

Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 85 (Dago), Bandung, Java occidental
Boulangerie · 287 conseils et avis
Sweet n Sour Frozen Yoghurt is one of Bandung.

2. Sweet n Sour Frozen Yoghurt

Jl. Dago No. 85-87, Bandung, Java occidental
Boutique de yaourts glacés · 1 conseil
Kampung Daun Culture Gallery & Cafe is one of Bandung.

3. Kampung Daun Culture Gallery & Cafe

Jl. Sersan Bajuri KM 4,7 No. 88 RR1 (Cihideung), Bandung, Java occidental
Café · 300 conseils et avis
Sapulidi Cafe, Resort and Gallery is one of Bandung.

4. Sapulidi Cafe, Resort and Gallery

Kompleks Graha Puspa (Jl. Sersan Bajuri, Cihideung), Bandung, Java occidental
Restaurant indonésien · Lembang · 122 conseils et avis
Natural Resto and Strawberry Land is one of Bandung.

5. Natural Resto and Strawberry Land

Jalan Tangkuban Parahu 109 (Ciburial), Bandung, Java occidental
Restaurant asiatique · 7 conseils et avis
Floating Market Lembang is one of Bandung.

6. Floating Market Lembang

Jl. Grand Hotel No. 33 E, Lembang, Java occidental
Marché flottant · Kabupaten Bandung Barat · 304 conseils et avis
De' Ranch is one of Bandung.

7. De' Ranch

Jalan Maribaya No. 17 (Lembang), Bandung, Java occidental
Centre de loisirs · Lembang · 175 conseils et avis
Taman Wisata Alam Maribaya is one of Bandung.

8. Taman Wisata Alam Maribaya

Jalan Maribaya (Langensari), Lembang, Java occidental
Source thermale · 29 conseils et avis
Rumah Stroberi Resto & Kebun is one of Bandung.

9. Rumah Stroberi Resto & Kebun

Jl. Cigugur Girang No.145, Bandung, Java occidental
Ferme · 40 conseils et avis
Gunung Tangkuban Parahu is one of Bandung.

10. Gunung Tangkuban Parahu

Jalan Raya Tangkuban Parahu (Lembang - Subang), Bandung Barat, Java occidental
Volcan · 200 conseils et avis
Wisata Air Panas Alam Sari Ater is one of Bandung.

11. Wisata Air Panas Alam Sari Ater

Jalan Raya Ciater, Subang, Java occidental
Source thermale · 19 conseils et avis
Kawah Domas is one of Bandung.

12. Kawah Domas

Gunung Tangkuban Perahu, Lembang, Java occidental
Belvédère / Panorama · Lembang · 13 conseils et avis
Observatorium Bosscha is one of Bandung.

13. Observatorium Bosscha

Jalan Peneropongan Bintang (Lembang), Bandung, Java occidental
Planétarium · 45 conseils et avis
Imah Kopi, Croissanterie et Coffeenery is one of Bandung.

14. Imah Kopi, Croissanterie et Coffeenery

Jl. Raya Maribaya No. 3 Lembang, Lembang, Java occidental
Coffee Shop · 18 conseils et avis
Bali Heaven is one of Bandung.

15. Bali Heaven

Jalan Pasirkaliki No. 185 -189 (Pasteur), Bandung, Java occidental
Café · 53 conseils et avis
Blossom Factory Outlet is one of Bandung.

16. Blossom Factory Outlet

Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 112, Bandung, Java occidental
Magasin de vêtements · 36 conseils et avis
Pasar Baru Trade Center is one of Bandung.

17. Pasar Baru Trade Center

Jalan Otto Iskandardinata No. 70 (Jalan Pasar Utara), Bandung, Java occidental
Grand magasin · 305 conseils et avis
RM Suka Rasa M. Arin is one of Bandung.

18. RM Suka Rasa M. Arin

Ciater (Lembang), Ciater, Java occidental
Restaurant asiatique · 7 conseils et avis
Rumah Makan Sari Mawar is one of Bandung.

19. Rumah Makan Sari Mawar

Jl Raya Palasari-Ciater 81, Subang, Java occidental
Restaurant indonésien · 3 conseils et avis
Masjid Besar Lembang is one of Bandung.

20. Masjid Besar Lembang

Jl. Raya Lembang, Lembang, Java occidental
Mosquée · 6 conseils et avis