This previous private networking club opened its doors and serves a nice spot to have a drink with friends at cheap prices & good music! Tip: It s hidden on the second floor!
Псевдо-секретный молодёжный кафе-бар в самом центре города. Вход по коду 2580. Внутри 100% местных хипстеров, простая еда (но сносно), обычные коктейли. Наверное, здесь иногда что-то проходит. Мило.
Cosy bar with nice atmosphere, favourite of creative folks. No sign on the door, just go in from the blue door and up to the second floor. Simple but good food, try the Kotletid Mädarõikakastmes.
Good vibe – creative crowd, cosy setting in the old town, chummy attendants. The menu hasn't changed since the naughties, but the competition has moved on.
Awesome bar. Bit of a speak easy - looks like you need to know an access code, follow someone in or possibly buzz up for access. Have faith and be both fearless and shameless.
Cheap “hidden” Old Townbar that doesn’t feel as touristy as its neighbours. Popular with the kids. There was no code on the door when we went, just look for #5 and go on up.
Absolutely warm bar with hipster-friendly barmen. When it’s crowded it maybe noisy. Drinks are cheap, food is ok. Atmosphere is better than offering itself
Toit&koht hea.Kuna kliente oli palju siis teenindaja närveldas ja ütles,et tal@pole aega JAURATA ja kiirelt vastused annaksime. Kohvid pidime ise paberile kirjutama misa soovisime desserdi kõrvale.