Palm Beach Tan

Palm Beach Tan

Salon de bronzage
publication d'évaluations
Icône conseils et avis3 Conseils et avis
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  • Rita D.
    Rita DickersonFévrier 14, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    The best place in the shoals to tan and all the people who work there are always so friendly and helpful! You will Love it.
  • Cindy R.
    Cindy RushtonMars 22, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Ugh! Don't forget your eye-wear when you come here. They act like they will go to jail or die if you don't have it. Gimmick! Don't join if you have any other option.
  • Ashlyn R.
    Ashlyn RichterDécembre 6, 2011
    great place to tan! and its affordable!
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