Favorite Music Venues

1. Old Rock House

1200 S 7th St, Saint-Louis, MO
Salle de concert · 41 conseils et avis

St. Louis C.St. Louis County: Built in 1818 the oldest building in STL; 1 of 3 riverfront buildings not demolished to create the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial; live music, eating, and drinking venue; tours

The Pageant is one of Favorite Music Venues.

2. The Pageant

6161 Delmar Blvd (Skinker), Saint-Louis, MO
Discothèque rock · 75 conseils et avis
Pop's is one of Favorite Music Venues.

3. Pop's

1403 Mississippi Ave, Sauget, IL
Salle de concert · 51 conseils et avis
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre is one of Favorite Music Venues.

4. Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre

14141 Riverport Dr, Maryland Heights, MO
Salle de concert · 71 conseils et avis
Stifel Theatre is one of Favorite Music Venues.

5. Stifel Theatre

1400 Market St (14th St), Saint-Louis, MO
Opéra · Downtown West · 54 conseils et avis
Enterprise Center is one of Favorite Music Venues.

6. Enterprise Center

1401 Clark Ave (at S 14th St), Saint-Louis, MO
Stade de hockey · Downtown West · 132 conseils et avis
Blueberry Hill is one of Favorite Music Venues.

7. Blueberry Hill

6504 Delmar Blvd (btwn Melville Ave & Westgate Ave), Saint-Louis, MO
Restaurant américain · 146 conseils et avis

Riverfront TimesRiverfront Times: 2010 RFT Best of St. Louis Winner - Best Place to Play Darts