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Von Kekel Aveda Salon & Spa
Salon de coiffure
8470-106 Honeycutt Rd (in Lafayette Village)
"Lindsay was very friendly and able to translate what I wanted into a good looking cut. Very friendly group of people."
Salon Blu
Salon de coiffure
141-108 Park At North Hills St
"The best salon in the Triangle - you'll leave happy every time. They also have Falls of Neuse and Brier Creek locations, and owner Jennifer Fincher is amazing. Great vibes!"
Carmen Carmen Salon E'Spa
Salon de coiffure
4325 Glenwood Ave (at Hudson Belk)
"Check out the new stylist. Aly! She's fabulous!"
Crée par Yelena Sharonina
58 éléments
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