Вкусно, лаконичный интерьер, персонал очень милый. Со скидкой "El tenedor" намного выгоднее. Ошиблись с десертом, карам.ананас с мороженным - не лучший вариант. В целом рекомендую :)
Got the lunch deal and we were all very satisfied and content. The standout was the beef salad. I love thai food and although there was definitely a fusion of flavours it was very good.
We shared with 2 persons the plentiful discovery menu; a recommendation! Nice Thai food; special flavours & friendly service. We'll definitely come back for more.
New restaurant Manohra. Lovely restaurant with very good Thai... food. Stylish environment that is not common among Thai restaurant. And the service was perfect.(Plus d'informations)