Lots of sitting space, fast Wi-Fi, great iced coffee. They also have musicians some nights! What more could you want? Try the Iced ToddyCoffee w/ soy milk.
This #Kaladi #airroasted #Rwanda Rushashi Hingakawa #coffee from #Denver - light bodied, soft, w/an orange blossom aroma - is one of the best coffee beans I've had in the last three years. #nojoke
This #Kaladi #airroasted #Rwanda Rushashi Hingakawa #coffee from #Denver - light bodied, soft, with an orange blossom aroma - is one of the best coffee beans I've had in the last three years. #nojoke
The Goat hosts music most nights in an intimatecafé setting. The venue brings in singer-songwriters, folk artists, jazzperformers and indie bands. Stop in some night without knowing who's playing!