Best places to see dinosaurs
The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

1. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

1900 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy (at 19th St), Philadelphie, PA
Musée des sciences · Logan Square · 63 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: Home to one of world's best natural history collections. Don't miss Dinosaur Hall, one of the best places in the U.S. to see dinosaurs. En savoir plus .

Universal's Islands of Adventure is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

2. Universal's Islands of Adventure

6000 Universal Blvd, Orlando, FL
Parc d'attractions · 738 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The Jurassic Park River Adventure ride takes you through the world of Jurassic Park, including a close encounter with a T-Rex and an 85-foot plunge. En savoir plus .

Muséum Field is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

3. Muséum Field

(The Field Museum)
1400 S Lake Shore Dr (at McFetridge Dr), Chicago, IL
Musée d'histoire · Museum Campus · 357 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: Don't miss the Stanley Field Hall where you'll find Sue, the largest and most complete T-Rex skeleton ever found. En savoir plus .

Fernbank Museum of Natural History is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

4. Fernbank Museum of Natural History

767 Clifton Rd NE (Ponce de Leon Ave NE), Atlanta, GA
Musée des sciences · Eastside · 79 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The museum is the only place on earth where you can see a full Argentinosaurus skeleton, the largest dinosaur ever discovered. En savoir plus .

American Museum of Natural History is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

5. American Museum of Natural History

200 Central Park W (btwn W 77th & W 81st St), New York, NY
Musée des sciences · 1398 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The largest natural history museum in the world with 45 exhibition halls and more than 30 million artifacts. If you want to see dinosaur fossils, head up to the fourth floor. En savoir plus .

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

6. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

1000 Constitution Ave NW (at 10th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Musée des sciences · Northwest Washington · 427 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: One of the best places in the world to see dinosaurs. It's also the most popular museum in D.C. for families, so get there early to avoid the crowds. En savoir plus .

New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

7. New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science

1801 Mountain Rd NW (at 18th St NW), Albuquerque, NM
Musée des sciences · 23 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: The full-sized skeletons are a big hit, as is the Evolator, a time-travel simulation that takes you back in time to walk with the dinosaurs. En savoir plus .

Royal Ontario Museum is one of Best places to see dinosaurs.

8. Royal Ontario Museum

100 Queen's Pk (at Bloor St. W.), Toronto, ON
Musée · University · 251 conseils et avis

USA TODAYUSA TODAY: Canada's fifth largest museum houses some six million objects, including an extensive collection of fossils and the largest mounted dinosaur in Canada. Plan to spend a full day. En savoir plus .