Garmisch Germany
Colosseo is one of Garmisch Germany.

1. Colosseo

Klammstr. 7, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavière
Restaurant italien · 42 conseils et avis

Irina M.Irina Morozova: Awesome view from the terrace, tasty pizzas

Zum Wildschütz is one of Garmisch Germany.

2. Zum Wildschütz

Bankgasse 9, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavière
Restaurant bavarois · 68 conseils et avis

Ben M.Ben Mackey: The goulash is very rich and delicious. And a few litres of beer of course.

Mukkefuck is one of Garmisch Germany.

3. Mukkefuck

Zugspitzstraße 3, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavière
Restaurant allemand · 14 conseils et avis