Gelati & Mozzarella is one of Italy.

1. Gelati & Mozzarella

Piazza Enrico Fermi 29 (via Gerolamo Cardano), Rome, Latium
Marchand de glaces · Portuense · 40 conseils et avis
Da Otello in Trastevere is one of Italy.

2. Da Otello in Trastevere

Via della Pelliccia, 47, Rome, Latium
Restaurant italien · Trastevere · 100 conseils et avis
Grazia & Graziella is one of Italy.

3. Grazia & Graziella

Largo Fumasoni Biondi, 5 (Via della Paglia), Rome, Latium
Restaurant italien · Trastevere · 446 conseils et avis
Pinsere is one of Italy.

4. Pinsere

Via Flavia, 98, Rome, Latium
Pizzeria · 156 conseils et avis
La Sandwicheria is one of Italy.

5. La Sandwicheria

Largo del Nazareno, 16, Rome, Latium
Sandwicherie · Trevi · 79 conseils et avis
La Romana is one of Italy.

6. La Romana

Via Venti Settembre, 60 (Via Piave), Rome, Latium
Marchand de glaces · 339 conseils et avis
La Boccaccia is one of Italy.

7. La Boccaccia

Via di Santa Dorotea, 2, Rome, Latium
Pizzeria · Trastevere · 157 conseils et avis