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Взаперти на Кудри
Escape game
Ивана Кудри 16а
"It was really awesome! The room was quite hard for us, not so experienced people, but we finished it just in time :)The room is complex and really interesting. I recommend it!"
Взаперти на Рейтарской
Escape game
вул. Рейтарська, 8б
"The Matrix room is insane! Time Machine was good too, but very confusing and difficult. Matrix was expertly done and very close to the movie in regards to accuracy."
Взаперти на Владимирской ІІ
Escape game
вул. Володимирська, 82В
"Отлично! Были в "Застенки инквизиции". В комнате все логично, атмосферно, качественно. Персонал приветливый. Обязательно вернёмся в другие комнаты!"
Crée par Alessandro BONI
49 éléments