Hidden secret of this place: the best scone I have ever eaten in my entire life. Also, the tuna salad is wonderful and I don't even like tuna. I come here often! It's my favorite meal in London.
Go for the Potato and truffleravioli with wild mushroomragú and be sure to indulge and order the salted caramel and rosemary semi-freddo with chestnutmousse for dessert!! So worth it!
Croissant: Always look fwd 2 this French bread when I'm looking 4 something simple w my coffee. It was served cold, so remember 2 ask them 2 heat it up if u want something lightness in ur bite ;-)
Manicomio Chelsea does not offer the 50% off on Fridays of Bankrestaurant. Dinner and lunch menu is offered at specific times daily. Food is ok but extremely overpriced when no offer is available.