Very Good Fresh Seafood, nice location, staff are friendly with good service. Price is not cheap, but at the low end and great value for money. It can get very Crowded with long queues. Book at nigh
You can select live sea ingabitants directly from fish tanks and tell how to cook them. Better come before 12.00 to have a wider choice. The best seafood I've ever had)))
Fantastic. You get to pick what food you want as it's swimming around in the tank. Set next to the Beach with good view. Great fresh Seafood and plenty to eat, not very expensive.
Udang faname hidup rebus is the best 😍😍😍 udang bakar saos teluk, cumi goreng tepung (menu wajib kalau kesini) jangan lupa kl suka sama kepiting masak dengan bumbu lada hitam atau saus singapore 👍
Get a table near the seaside. Very windy. Watch out for big flies. Ask the wait staff to light up the oil lamp. Buy the king crab! You'll never go wrong whatever way you would have it cooked (-:
For a different kind of experience for birthday celebration, come here. The staffs will sing for you. Present to you a cake made of pineapples, jeruk and coconuts and fully lid with sparklers!!
For the best seafood in town: kepiting soka telur asin, udang teppanyaki, cumi goreng tepung. Don't forget to pick a seat or reserving exactly next to the ocean. Feel the air, baby!
Makan di bandar djakarta, menikmati sejuknya angin pantai, sangat menyenangkan sekali, dan di temani dengan nexmedia tv langganan tanpa parabola hub: 08568931707 atau klik di
Selain makanannya hasil laut, lokasinya juga dipinggir laut, itu yg menarik. Buat sahabat yg ingin mencari moment romantic dilantai 2 klo malam indah banget
Seafood here is normal. It might be one of the ok seafood place to dine at Jakarta, but if compared to countries that I have been too, it is considered soso.
Klo mau kesini sebaiknya jangan weekend... Disamping menghindari ramai dan antri lama, juga dari senin s/d kamis ada 50% utk seafood tertentu... Selamat maknyusss...
Try for some crabs in there! Once u eat those things, u'll easily love it and won't be able to forget it. Trust me.And the atmosphere looks awesome because it's near the beach
Try the fried prawn with mayo sauce. Its delicious! Also, order the grilled squid with padang sauce. Don't forget to order some coconut for the drink. Get a seaside table, and enjoy the scenery.
Came here on Friday night, heard happy birthday songs 8 times whilst we eat our dinner, most dishes taste good but avoid bbq fish with bandar jakarta sauce
selalu penuh terutama malam minggu tapi ngga prnh nunggu lama n pelayanannya cepet makanannya pas di lidah anak2 ...tahu isi salah satu favorit menu yg wajib dipesan
Fave things at this place : nice atmosphere, fine fish, great seafood and romantic dinner! the best! ☺☺ -- Mayonnaisecream sauce for lobster is a must try!
TAMAN ROYAL Hunian Exclusive di Pusat Kota Tangerang,,,(,BUDIIRENG ) marketing executive : taman royal (021) 927 927 17 atau 0817 0817 577. Anda juga dapat mengunjungi