Gesundes und frisches (und leckeres!) Essen zu fairen Preisen, dazu schneller & sympathischer Service. Meine persönliche Lieblingsadresse für Lunch in der Nähe!
Great new address in Berlin. Try the lemonade! A bit disappointed by the lack of dessert choice and of coffee, but that should improve in the next weeks.
Even it’s a Mexican fast food restaurant, the food is very tasty and delicious. The staff are very nice and friendly. If you want something quick but with a lot of flavor, this is the place.
I wish I could say this was as good as Chipotle, but it’s not. However, not bad for Berlin and can accommodate lots of food preferences (healthy, meaty, veggie, gluten free, etc.)
Berlin's answer to Chipotle. Not the best burrito in the world, but it manages to hit the spot in a pinch. Bonus points for stocking El Yucateco hot sauces.
Öffnungszeiten könnten etwas grosszügiger ausfallen, wer Abends Lust auf einen Burrito hat muss auf Dolores ausweichen, da Chupenga bereits um 20 Uhr schliesst.
Algunos lugares son mejores que otros. Como buena mexicana comí 2 veces burritos en Berlín.Pero en diferentes sucursales y una me gusto más que la otra.Pero aún así barato y recomendado
Hands down the best and yummiest burritos in Berlin in a super cool atmosphere. Service is very fast and excellent! Have been there roughly 10 times since the opening (which was one month ago :-))