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Icône de catégorie


San Pedro
publication d'évaluations
Icône conseils et avis6 Conseils et avis
Filtre :
  • jazz music
  • jams
  • musicians
  • staff
Icône d'utilisateur
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  • Sean H.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Sean HarriganAoût 25, 2014
    Good bands, cheap drinks, chill atmosphere. Come on down!
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  • Nathan R.
    Nathan RayNovembre 16, 2019
    This bar is known as Froggy's to fans of This Is Us - Rebecca and Jack's favorite hangout on the show.
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  • susan m.
    susan mckennaJuillet 16, 2010
    wednesday night drop in /great jazz musicians jamming and playing..usually quiet till later..eat somewhere local and head in for music
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  • Mal R.
    Mal RalMars 8, 2013
    First Thursday is Always Poppin' ;)
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  • Catfish B.
    Catfish BloozeSeptembre 12, 2013
    Sean Lane..... San Pedro's Finest
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  • Nacho M.
    Nacho Man 5000Octobre 22, 2011
    Donna Sue is THE BEST bartender!
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Photos12 Photos