Wide selection of meals and nice service make it one of the best Tex-mex restaurants in Andel area. Their lunch menus are not very style appropriate, typically!
Got fried jalapeños and chilli con carne w/rice. Satisfying dinner! But I needed chipotle sauce to make it more spicy! Then stock version is okay even for kids. Generally nice restaurant, recommended!
It's ok place to go one in a while. What I like: food, location. What I'd like to improve: be more friendly, plate for peanut shells is highly recommended
I ate here 3 times. 1 - Salmon steak was good. 2 - Hombre burger was hard to chew, slices of bread were to tall. 3 - Rib eye steak: too gummy and nervy.
Naprosto úžasné steaky, o carpacciu ani nemluvim :)přitel měl prý nejlepsi steak ze svičkove za celý život - a to si je dava opravdu vsude :) o koktejlech ani nemluvim a Jana jako obsluha nejlepši! :)
Pánev HOMBRE je skvělá volba pro všechny, kdo si chtějí dát mexické jídlo, ale nehodlají na něj vzpomínat ještě druhý den ráno na WC. Salátu César tu dávají mega porci, ale pozor na kalorický dressing
Enchiladas s hovezim podprumerne, varianta s kurecim jeste horsi. Maso bylo studene. Porce za 230Kc neodpovida kvalite. Alespon personal prijemny. Sem uz nikdy!
Ordered extra spicy and never experienced anything this horrible-i'm big fan of VERY spicy,but this was absolutely unbareable and impossible to enjoy.The cooks vengeance i suppose!Service was terrible