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Bar à whisky$$$$
Butchertown, Louisville
Icône conseils et avis10 Conseils et avis
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  • Miles & Smith R.
    The Old Fashioned here is one of the best I've ever had. Total "Mad Men" type of feel to the atmosphere. Don't be upset when it takes a while to make your drink, this isn't a process you want to rush
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  • Brad L.
    Brad LuttrellMai 27, 2012
    Cocktails are worth the price. These are works of art. If you're feeling like a man, try the Smoke Monster. If not, do a Dark Meat.
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  • Laura is Louisville
    Laura is LouisvilleMars 5, 2013
    A visité ce lieu plus de 25 fois
    Get the Aunt Pearl, byrrh grand quinquina , creme de violette caviar, gruet extra dry, burlesque bitters.
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  • Christina R.
    Christina RatcliffFévrier 17, 2013
    Got a Gertie Get Your Gun but it took almost half an hour to get it. It's super strong but man it was worth it!
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  • Curtis M.
    Curtis M.Décembre 16, 2011
    Ask for the Coke Dick Motorcycle Awesome. It's an off menu drink, but very good and VERY strong!
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  • Jason Y.
    Jason YovanoffOctobre 25, 2012
    Hands down the best cocktail bar I've been to in months.
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  • Rob M.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Rob MorrowJanvier 18, 2013
    Dr. Giggles is amazing
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  • rebecca
    rebeccaJuin 13, 2013
    any port in the storm [GQ]
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  • Kirsten
    KirstenNovembre 24, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Get an Upton Sinclair and relax.
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  • mike b.
    mike b.Septembre 7, 2012
    Meat, bitches.
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