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Owen + Alchemy

Bar à jus$$$$
Logan Square, Chicago
  • Étoiles
    Les experts de Eater et Redeye Chicago recommandent cet endroit
    • Eater
    • Redeye Chicago
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  • Christopher M.
    Christopher MarianoNovembre 29, 2014
    Looking to take a break from all the heavy food? Owen + Wilson takes juicing to an alchemist level of awesome. Great concoctions all around. Hip space to boot.
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  • Eater
    EaterJanvier 28, 2016
    This popular Chicago juice bar is not only easy on the waistline, but also easy on the eyes. With an extraordinary design, we can stay here for hours. Get the #54 and a salad. En savoir plus
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  • Geoff B.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Geoff BalasiJanvier 15, 2016
    Free samples and friendly staff really help you find what you're looking for. Maybe overpriced but the experience and quality are worth it.
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  • Redeye Chicago
    Redeye ChicagoDécembre 4, 2014
    This boutique juice bar in Logan Square is home to some incredible juice variations. Have a look and try something new and exciting. En savoir plus
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  • Mandalyn R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mandalyn RenickerAoût 11, 2016
    A little pricey until you take the first sip; then you'll understand. 24 is delicious to the last drop!
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  • nemo s.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    nemo sergesJuillet 19, 2016
    I had a number 12, which was actually pretty good but don't know if it was worth the price. My friend had a smoothie and it straight up tasted like grass. This was THE whitest place I've ever been.
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  • Jeff W.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jeff WFévrier 11, 2015
    Absolutely fell in love with this place, the first day that it opened… This dark pharmacy style juicer is surely setting the stage in Logan Square
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  • Saif D.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Saif DiaAoût 7, 2015
    Though the unique juices are great, it's worth visiting for the interior alone
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  • Claire G.
    Claire GJuillet 23, 2015
    A visité ce lieu plus de 5 fois
    Great variety. Don't be afraid to ask for a sample if you're not sure what to get.
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  • Matt A.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Matt AndersenJuillet 8, 2015
    Order #54, it tastes like sugary cereal infused milk. Yum!
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  • Jenna K.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jenna KowalczykMars 19, 2015
    The perfect smoothie. The perfect juice.
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  • Wes D.
    Wes DearbornSeptembre 20, 2015
    A modern art installation that sells juice.
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  • AnsellIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    AnsellOctobre 11, 2016
    Smoothies were yummy
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  • Anselma M.
    Anselma MarroquinDécembre 9, 2014
    Amazing juices!
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  • Laurie R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Laurie RamirezFévrier 10, 2015
    #54 was good loved it
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  • ShariIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    ShariOctobre 11, 2014
    Try: #53, #14, #15, #46, #59 💜
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