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San Gimignano

San Gimignano
  • Conseils
    David D.
    "Beaucoup de touristes, mais ça reste un joli coin à voir :!"(2 conseils)
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  • Sebmalco ..Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Sebmalco .Octobre 12, 2014
    Splendide petit bourg. A voir même si, en effet, il y a pas mal de touristes.
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  • David D.
    David DesrousseauxAoût 2, 2012
    Beaucoup de touristes, mais ça reste un joli coin à voir :!
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  • Philippe C.
    Philippe ClaerhoudtAoût 6, 2013
    Aller en Toscane, sans passer par San Gimignano est un sacrilège
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  • Podere il Pino
    Podere il PinoFévrier 27, 2012
    San Gimignano is a small walled medieval hill town. It is mainly famous for its medieval architecture, especially its towers. Very Beautiful Town! Amzing View! It is UNESCO World Heritage Site!
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  • Italia.it
    Italia.itJuillet 16, 2013
    A masterpiece of creative human genius, it is an exceptional exemplar of both architectonic complex and landscape, demonstrates signifcant passages in human history. En savoir plus
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    A voté pour il y a 28 Dec 2024
  • Deniz
    DenizAoût 28, 2012
    Unique middleage town.Braveheart look alike.Don t miss the 4 times champion famous ice cream and that slice piZZa shop.That s probably the best pizza in the world for me.Great village.
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  • İlker H.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    İlker HoligangucSeptembre 9, 2014
    Meydandaki parça pizzacılardan pizzanızı alıp, meydandaki serin locaya oturarak yiyebilir, ortaçağ melodisinin tadını çıkartabilirsiniz.Girişte soldaki ilk pastanede Romlu Tiramisu harika...
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  • Meral Ayhan
    Meral AyhanAoût 6, 2014
    Taş duvarlara dokunarak yürü,arnavut kaldırımların bir bir ayağının altına serildiğini görüceksin.Meydana vardığında boylu boyunca tasların üzerine uzan,gözlerini kapat, orta çağın melodisini dinle..
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  • Gamze A.
    Gamze Alhamo SarıtaşNovembre 25, 2016
    Medieval town in tuscany. The town surrounded with big green areas like fairytale. Small gift stores and famous toscana's wine stores that you can find at here.
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  • BBPlanet
    BBPlanetAoût 28, 2012
    Il centro storico rappresenta un capolavoro del genio creativo umano. è stata tappa importante della storia umana e porta testimonianza di civiltà passate. www.bbplanet.it/dormire/san-gimignano
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    A voté pour il y a Il y a 6 jours
  • Julyane L.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Julyane LimaAoût 26, 2017
    Cidade medieval que vale muito a pena visitar! Experiência completamente diferente de tudo que visitei
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  • Tuscany villas with pool in italy for rent direct
    San Gimignano è un comune italiano di 7.770 abitanti situato in provincia di Siena in Toscana.Il suo centro storico è stato dichiarato dall'UNESCO patrimonio dell'umanità
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  • Junia Cicivizzo F.
    Lugar muito charmoso! Pessoas educadas e boa gastronomia. Pena ter que estacionar fora da muralha.
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  • Luis U.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Luis UreaNovembre 1, 2020
    La ciudad de las torres. Pequeño, pero espectacular centro histórico
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    A voté pour il y a Jan 3
  • Akhnaton Ihara R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Akhnaton Ihara RezendeOctobre 25, 2022
    Fantástica! Va na cidade para passar o dia! Vale a visita! Muito onde ir e que conhecer! Cidade impressionante!
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  • WernerIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    WernerJuillet 3, 2013
    Tip Top ist es hier
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  • Nedime Banu K.
    Nedime Banu KartalMars 6, 2013
    burası için derler ki: "ortaçağ'ın manhattan'ı" taş evleri, birbirinden güzel dar sokakları ile güzel bir kırmızı şarap keyfi yapacağın taş kasaba....
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  • Steen A.
    Steen AlbrechtsenSeptembre 24, 2010
    Visit the wine shop Wineland where you can both buy but also taste wines. Buy a glass of your favourite and enjoy the atmosphere in the shop. Thursday-Saturday early evenings they have aperitivo-time
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  • İlker H.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    İlker HoligangucSeptembre 9, 2014
    Türkiye'den selamlar. A magnificent medieval village. Very well preserved. Torture museum very interesting. But even more impressive museums in Siena.
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  • Nené I.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Nené IturenOctobre 26, 2017
    Muy bonito pero si tienes opción evita los fines de semana, a tope!
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  • Mikhael S.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mikhael SokolovMars 26, 2017
    Уникальный город. Не застраивался со средних веков. Во круг него прекрасные пейзажи и виноградники
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  • Elena C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Elena CeccarelloJuillet 30, 2012
    da visitare la torre e tutta la cittadina..lasciate stare la pizza e i fast food provate i buonissimi panini con il cinghiale al tartufo e pecorino accompagnati da un buon Chianti di San Gimignano!
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  • Johnny K.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Johnny KoutiolasOctobre 26, 2014
    One the most beautiful destinations in Tuscany. Don't hesitate to visit. Medieval atmosphere everywhere.
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  • Veronika P.
    Veronika ProkudinaAvril 2, 2013
    Обязательно нужно погулять, попробовать мороженное в баре победителе Чемпионата мира по мороженному!!! Тут все очень классное!!!!!!!
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  • Burcu B.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Peynir-şarap tadımı yapın. Vakumlu peynir satın alın. Biz mantarlı ve biberli almıştık. Ara sokaklarında kaybolun. Orta çağ dokusu korunmuş olan keyifli bir yer.
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  • Visit Tuscany
    Visit TuscanyOctobre 4, 2010
    Repeat: "san gee mee NYAH noh"! This city's medieval towers (UNESCO heritage) aren't golden but the saffron produced here is. Try it many recipes starting with risotto: http://bit.ly/1fpfqC0
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  • Elizaveta E.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Elizaveta ErokhinaAvril 5, 2015
    Medieval town in Tuscany, famous for its towers. The center of the town is a UNESCO Heritage site.
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  • Uma T.
    Uma TalrejaAvril 2, 2014
    Get the table at punto panaromica at enotica di vinorium and sip on some lovely chianti reserva
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  • Visit Terre di Siena
    Visit Terre di SienaFévrier 28, 2012
    La Manhattan del medioevo, con tutto quello svettare di torri eleganti. Una città d’arte nel senso più letterale del termine, un capolavoro del genio creativo dove è possibile viaggiare nel tempo. En savoir plus
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  • Marcos A.
    Marcos AmaralJanvier 4, 2014
    Vale a pena passar uma noite nesta cidade encantadora!!! Restaurantes excelentes!!
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  • Alexey G.
    Alexey GorodnichevJanvier 19, 2014
    Полностью сохранившаяся средневековая республика, как Флоренция или Венеция, опустевшая на века и открытая вдумчивыми туристами совсем недавно. Средневековье, пейзажи, ветер Тосканы.
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  • 👫iki DeLi👫Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    👫iki DeLi👫Juillet 17, 2016
    Burda mutlaka dondurma yemelisiniz, çok ünlü ve lezzetli 👍🏻
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  • Paolo P.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Paolo PlataniaAoût 28, 2016
    Un bellissimo paesino. Veniteci al mattino presto quando i turisti sono pochi.
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  • Italia.it
    Italia.itDécembre 19, 2011
    'San Gimignano delle belle Torri' is in Tuscany, 56 km south of Florence. It served as an important relay point for pilgrims travelling to or from Rome on the Via Francigena En savoir plus
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  • Valentina T.
    Valentina TurchettiAvril 26, 2013
    Ottimo B&B Ai Coppi:pulito,comodo,vista panoramica, a 5 minuti a piedi dal centro di San Gimignano.
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  • Eser S.
    Eser SevincFévrier 21, 2017
    italya da en beğendiğim şehir, 2000 yıllık çivi bile çakılmamış tarih ulaşım zor ama mutlaka gidin
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  • FilizzzzzIcône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    FilizzzzzJuin 3, 2019
    Kulelerin mekanı masalsı sokaklar... bayıldım mutlaka gidip görülmesi gerekir.
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  • Jan F.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Jan FreemanJuin 12, 2016
    Breathtaking views of the countryside. Such a delightful little town to stroll through.
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  • Hotel ristorante da graziano
    Hotel ristorante Da Graziano , Nice position , parking, good restaurant , nice view !! Visit our website : www.hoteldagraziano.it look all the offer !!!!
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  • Tuscany villas with pool in italy for rent direct
    San Gimignano è un comune italiano di 7.770 abitanti situato in provincia di Siena in Toscana. Il suo centro storico è stato dichiarato dall'UNESCO patrimonio dell'umanità.
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  • Arzu K.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Arzu KatmerJuillet 12, 2018
    karşınıza atlı bir şövalye çıksa şaşırmayacağınız nefis bir kasaba ❤️
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  • Jijomon T.
    Jijomon ThottungaltharaNovembre 9, 2011
    The town is famous for its numerous towers which make it conspicuous from a great distance and provide one of the most remarkable sights in Italy.
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  • Duccio N.
    Duccio NacciJuin 24, 2012
    Vieni a San Gimignano il 30 Giugno 2012 per Nottelucenti, dalle 5 del pomeriggio alle 5 del mattino il centro storico sarà animato da musica, arte, poesia, teatro..... e i negozi saranno aperti!
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  • Ana D.
    Ana DalfovoAvril 15, 2014
    Vale a pena subir ate os mirantes da cidade, a vista da Toscana é sensacional!
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  • Paula F.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Paula FreireNovembre 13, 2016
    A cidade é linda, vale demais vir aqui pra passar uma tarde.
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  • Sharon R.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Sharon RichardsNovembre 21, 2016
    If you go to Tuscany, you must go here. It's amazing and beautiful!
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  • Alpar A.
    Alpar AkalOctobre 23, 2013
    It was a fascinating experience to travel back to medieval age.
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  • Hotel Casolare Le Terre Rosse
    Enjoy your tuscan stay at Hotel Casolare Le Terre Rosse.You can relax in our elegant rooms or in our comfortable apartments.Check availibility and book!!
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  • Josep T.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Josep TarrésJuillet 23, 2015
    La ciudad es preciosa, pero parece que desprecien a los peregrinos. Algo que resulta chocante cuando fue precisamente la vía Francigena la que le dio esplendor (según su propia publicidad turística).
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  • Matteo C.
    Matteo CompagnoniMai 10, 2013
    Palazzo Tortoni, la mansarda più cool di san Gimignano! Con il duca Gengi.
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