
St. Joan of Arc Chapel

Marquette, Milwaukee
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  • tuesday night mass
  • favorite spots on campus
  • mass at st
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  • Liz S.
    Liz SiepmannMars 26, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 100 fois
    One of my favorite spots on campus! It's a beautiful place to visit during all seasons. Mass is said in the St. Joan of Arc Chapel when classes are in session: Mon-Fri, noon or Mon-Thurs, 10 p.m. En savoir plus
  • Marco Polo R.
    Marco Polo RamirezOctobre 11, 2013
    If you are looking for a place to reflect or to do some studying then you've come to the right place. JoA is by far one of my favorite spots on campus. It's a beautiful chapel. Go visit!
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakAoût 3, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    "Touch the cold stone at the back of the St. Joan of Arc Chapel; believe that it's infinitesimally cooler than the stones around it" - from the top 100 things to do before graduating from Marquette
  • atrelz
    atrelzFévrier 24, 2013
    Beautiful place for some introspection. When it's warm, it's perfect to catch some rays between classes. The fountain/garden is a peaceful and stress free oasis when spring finals roll around!
  • Mark L.
    Mark LongOctobre 29, 2012
    I would definitely recommend Tuesday night mass worship sessions. The homilies you will hear from these services is purely amazing. A must to attend at least one service if you go to Marquette.
  • Courtney
    CourtneyOctobre 7, 2013
    The back of the Joan of Arc Chapel is great for some peace and quite on those awkward breaks in between classes.
  • Samantha
    SamanthaJuin 16, 2011
    Great place to do homework or read, especially in the spring months. Or if you just need somewhere to sit and sip coffee with beautiful scenery, this is the place for you.
  • Elizabeth B.
    Elizabeth BureshOctobre 29, 2012
    Tuesday night masses are my favorite. Great music and atmosphere. It's a great way to relax and unwind after a day of classes.
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakAoût 3, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    "Squeeze into standing-room-only Tuesday night Mass at St. Joan of Arc Chapel" from the top 100 things to do before graduating from Marquette University
  • Tim C.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Tim CigelskeAoût 24, 2017
    A visité ce lieu plus de 25 fois
    Snap a photo of the most photogenic spot on campus.
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakJuillet 8, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    Number 84 on the 100 things to do in Milwaukee list: Tour St. Joan of Arc Chapel on Marquette's campus (from onmilwaukee.com) En savoir plus
  • Welcome to College
    Welcome to CollegeFévrier 2, 2011
    Oldest building in the United States still used for its original purpose. If you are on a campus tour, ask your MU tour guide about the "coldest stone"!
  • Jen B.
    Jen BergmanOctobre 29, 2012
    Before you graduate from MU make sure to stop inside or go to the 10pm mass on tuesday nights! Very cool experience
  • courtney
    courtneyMars 26, 2012
    Study outside the Joan of Arc Chapel when it is warm outside! If you need a study break go inside and touch the cold stone!!
  • Kerry L.
    Kerry LeBlancAvril 4, 2012
    Try out the weeknight masses at 10 p.m. The mass is usually standing room only, but it sure is worth it!
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakSeptembre 5, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    St. Joan of Arc Chapel, a remnant of 15th century France, took nine months to dismantle. The chapel was rebuilt, stone by stone, on Marquette's Central Mall and dedicated on May 26, 1966.
  • @MarquetteU
    @MarquetteUMars 18, 2010
    Built around the 15th century in France, this chapel in the heart of the Marquette campus offers free guided tours Monday-Saturday 10 am to 4 pm and Sunday Noon to 4 pm. En savoir plus
  • Anthony V.
    Anthony VirgilioMars 27, 2013
    Interesting fact: the Joan of Arc statue in the chapel is a life-size statue. She had to have been under 5 ft.
  • @MarquetteU
    @MarquetteUDécembre 14, 2011
    Need a Hail Mary for your test? Fill out a prayer request for Mass at St. Joan of Arc chapel: http://go.mu.edu/mupray En savoir plus
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakAvril 8, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    Smartphone photo time: Pose with the Père Jacques Marquette statue, located just east of the St. Joan of Arc Chapel.
  • Micah D.
    Micah DarkFyreOctobre 13, 2010
    For someplace sacred, serene, and easy to reach, go to this spot... There are some obscure legends about it... Might tell you if you ask...
  • Mykl N.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mykl NovakAoût 3, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 50 fois
    "Sing carols at Miracle on Central Mall" - from the top 100 things to do before graduating from Marquette University
  • Randy J.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Randy JonesNovembre 8, 2014
    Well worth the trip!
  • Poizun J.
    Poizun JamJanvier 10, 2012
    A wonderful place to pray.
  • Brett F.
    Brett FordeJuin 24, 2011
    someplace sacred and serene, love it
  • Clare
    ClareMars 10, 2011
    Great place to go, think, and get away from the stress of school
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