Fantastic beer, even better if you have a "Mettbroetchen" with it. Yes, that's raw pork on a bread roll... but trust me it's the best food you had with any beer. Ever.
Nice atmosphere with a great location. Nice hoppy beer if that's your thing. Stop by for a drink on the street with the crowd is definitely recommended!
Das Alt ist schonmal Klasse und eine Fassbrause muss auch mal her.Und dann die leckeren Kleinigkeiten zum Essen.Natürlich sieht man hier auch,wer alles zum Rhein runtergeht.Immer ein Muss,wenn in Dü
Authentic place with large choice of beers. Brewery’s spirit, classy, trendy. Highly recommend to have a least one beer. Support old traditions and have fun
tarihi ve turistik altstadt'ta en güzel yerel birayı içebileceğiniz mekan bira siyah olmasıyla ilk anda guiness'i anımsatsa da yumuşak içimiyle farklılığını gösteriyor. yolu düşenlere tavsiye edilir.
Вкусное пиво и еда. были тут 2 раза, заказывали вареную и запеченую рульку - обе хороши. можно договорится с официантом и он поменяет вам гарнир бесплатно.
Wem hier das Alt nicht schmeckt, dem ist nicht zu helfen. Dazu ein rustikales Schmankerl - lecker. Die hauseigenen Hopfen-Limonaden schmecken auch Klasse.
Producono birra e la servono direttamente. Molto buona ed economica (1,9€ per 0,25 l ). Caratteristico il fatto che scrivano il conto sui sottobicchieri!Ogni bicchiere vuoto è rimpiazzato da uno pieno
no need to order - just wait and you will get their typical beer. When your glass is empty, you will get another beer... until you put your coaster on the empty glass. 🍻
Dat leckere Dröppke - im Sommer gehört das Feierabend-Bier zum Pflichtprogramm. Die alkoholfreie Variante ist die Uerige-Fassbrause! Im Sommer eine echte Erfrischung.
Cozy, very authentic place. Nice snacks at daytime, especially minced pork on the bread. Unfortunately, cash only and no wi-fi (though this is not a surprise).
Great although beer. Plus twice a year (third Tuesday in January and October) they serve a special brew, the sticke. Which is really good as well and worth a try.