Lieux sauvegardés par Monica
John's Best Pizza is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Monica.

1. John's Best Pizza

955 Ethan Allen Hwy (Danbury Rd), Ridgefield, CT
Pizzeria · 6 conseils et avis

Rob R.Rob Rowe: Arcade game room downstairs.

Deborah Ann's Sweet Shoppe is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Monica.

2. Deborah Ann's Sweet Shoppe

381 Main St (Catoonah Street), Ridgefield, CT
Confiserie · 11 conseils et avis

Rob R.Rob Rowe: Order the FUFU Berry Float! It's gorgeous & delicious.

Grand Central Terminal is one of Lieux sauvegardés par Monica.

3. Grand Central Terminal

87 E 42nd St (btwn Vanderbilt & Park Ave), New York, NY
Gare · Midtown East · 1464 conseils et avis

Rob R.Rob Rowe: Agua Fresca smoothies at Dishes are the perfect treat for your ride home after a long day at the office. Mmmm!