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Roof Bethesda

Roof Bethesda

Restaurant américain$$$$
Icône conseils et avis11 Conseils et avis
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  • Nicki W.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Nicki WrightNovembre 15, 2014
    LOVE the atmosphere and the beer selection is good (Dogfish Autumn was excellent), but both entrées were way, way, way too salty. Apple cobbler was nice, a little tart, just the way I like.
  • Kevin
    KevinJuillet 10, 2014
    Great views. Best Moscow Mule I've ever had. Get the french dip with garlic fries.
  • James C.
    James ClarkFévrier 16, 2014
    Tasty brunch! Have the French toast
  • lucy e.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    lucy elliottJuin 15, 2014
    If you decide to eat on the roof be ready for a leisurely meal... And not really in a good way.
  • Lauren Y.
    Lauren YSeptembre 1, 2014
    Casual rooftop bar with okay drinks. Stick with beer to be safe.
  • Natalia G.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Natalia GrandillertDécembre 29, 2013
    First night this place is open. Nice decor, good view & good concept. I wanted to like it. First, no music till 12:30am. Worst part, the rude bartender. That alone would deter me from returning.
  • Peter J.
    Peter JacksonMars 19, 2014
    Will be amazing come Spring.
  • B88FIT B.
    B88FIT BobbiAvril 20, 2014
    Bartender skims a buck out of your change. That was his tip. AH
  • lucy e.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    lucy elliottJuin 15, 2014
    No refills on non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Bob E.
    Bob EJuin 15, 2014
    Skip The Roof. One of the most disappointing experiences I have had in Bethesda. The management just doesn't get it. Many better options.
  • Emily R.
    Emily RumbargerMars 23, 2014
    Bartender is a bitch.
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