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Bar à cocktail, Bar et Bar à vins$$$$
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  • www.ILoveLKF.hk
    www.ILoveLKF.hkAvril 13, 2011
    Sassy & deliciously decadent décor, Rayne’s got the feminine touch w/ a dash of glam & fabulous cocktails to boot. Try the “Sweet Rain”, crushed apples marinated in syrup, w/ a dash of vanilla tequila En savoir plus
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  • Katrina
    KatrinaNovembre 19, 2014
    One of the Wyndham street bars that gets a bit crazy on the weekends. Very packed outside.
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  • Dean A.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Dean AslinSeptembre 19, 2012
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    From September 17 to Oct 13 buy any Mojo, RockBare or Barossa Babe wine at Rayne and you could win a trip to The RockBare Retreat in Australia for 2 people.
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  • @JaumePrimero
    @JaumePrimeroOctobre 8, 2011
    Great specials all the time, and a lengthy cocktail menu. Intense bar right in the heart of Wyndham street.
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  • Time Out Hong Kong
    Time Out Hong KongJuillet 13, 2011
    Their selection of house and lounge music is also a welcome change from the inevitable Top 40 hits blasting from its neighbours. En savoir plus
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  • NecesCity H.
    NecesCity Hong KongMars 16, 2011
    ..a nice open bar with a yard-long wine list, and innovative cocktails! We love it! En savoir plus
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  • Valentin
    ValentinAoût 10, 2014
    Thanks to crazy music this place looks exactly the same to hell at nite. Love it, haha
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  • @JaumePrimero
    @JaumePrimeroOctobre 20, 2010
    Great cocktail menu, awesome location, nice open bar with great decor and vibe.
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  • Dean A.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Dean AslinOctobre 3, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    When it rains you get discounts at Rayne. Try the Coffee Patron, it's great. En savoir plus
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  • Jeffrey M.
    Jeffrey ManFévrier 6, 2011
    A visité ce lieu plus de 10 fois
    Ladies Night every Saturday 8-11pm, free Vodka base mix drinks and Cosmopolitansfor the ladies!
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  • Maximilian N.
    Maximilian NiedererAvril 21, 2013
    Excellent location, great music & drinks!!
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  • Robin W.
    Robin WAvril 17, 2014
    Can't beat neighborhood
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  • Yuki N.
    Yuki NgayFévrier 21, 2013
    Thursdays: free vodka mixers from 8PM-11PM
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  • Ming N.
    Ming NgOctobre 20, 2011
    Gweilo central!
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  • Mary T.Icône de cœur sur l'image de l'utilisateur
    Mary TheFirstOctobre 4, 2013
    Nothing special. But nice
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